Liefdesbestemming /
Het Meedragen - SMTM


Liefdesbestemming: Niet weten waar je met je liefde heen moet nu iemand er niet meer is.
(Love Destination: not knowing where to put your love, now that somebody is gone). 

This illustration was inspired by the quote above I encountered while browsing Verlieskunst, a platform whose mission it is to create a new (visual) language for grief and loss. 
This illustration was part of Het Meedragen (Carrying Along), my Show Me The Money-project about grief and consolation. 

Find Verlieskunst here.

© Jeltje de Koning, 2023 | KVK: 89294556 | BTW-ID: NL004713961B90

© Jeltje de Koning, 2023 | KVK: 89294556 | BTW-ID: NL004713961B90